Benefits & the Process for: SP Certification and Certification PLUS
” Working One on One with an SP Trainer for SP Certification – is in fact A Master Class in Hypnosis “ Stin-Neils Musche
” I want it to be as seamless and painless as possible for you to attain Certification – for the wholly selfish reason that I want SP to always be presented to the client at its most beneficial to allow the best outcomes.” Ines Simpson
Certification is the process over 3 months of coaching and mentoring to make you the best possible SP Practitioner – and give Your Clients always the best possible results
Certification PLUS is the move to the Inner Circle of the SP world. Access to all the resources we have available and become part of the Master Mind for SP – that leads SP into the future
Of course first step is taking a Simpson Protocol Live training – but that is just the beginning…
If you wish to be recognized and recommended as a Complete Simpson Protocol Practitioner – that is someone who has demonstrated that they have a grasp and understanding of SP – then you can apply for Certification.
Certification means you will be recognized and recommended in your area as The Simpson Protocol Practitioner ( and we get several requests a week for SP practitioners for everywhere!!)
You will be able to promote that you are a Certified SP Practitioner on your website or business card
You will be listed on the SP certification Page on our various websites. And promoted in your area
And most of all you will have taken your practice to (as they say) to the next level. You will, by going through the certification process have confidence and assurance in your ability and able to use SP in all aspects of your practice and have great outcomes.
see all details below
The Benefits of SP CERTIFICATION for you ( and your Clients)
1 You become completely Confident in your craft of hypnosis
2 Completely Confident that you can help your Client – no matter what ‘issue’ the bring
3. Thoroughly versed in all aspects of SP and how it can be used
4. Increase your ability and skill to handle any aspect of the human condition – be it Physical, Mental, Emotional or Spiritual
5 Confidence in your abilities, and confidence in the SP process – typically leads to an increase in your Hypnosis Practice
6 Join a dedicated group of Practitioners that support and help each other move forward
7 Access to SP Extra Resources for Certified only and Access to Group practice and FAQ sessions
8 Join the Elite group of Practitioners that form a very tight supportive community – with the best teaching and mentoring always available
SP Certification Program
3 or 4 month program to Certification
Month 1
Submit preliminary Client SP Pre-Talk Video
Submit 1 full SP session video ( need to see you, the practitioner and the client’s hands – minimum). Video doesn’t have to be fancy – but needs to be watchable!!.
A cheat sheet can be used
Upload to dropbox or One drive etc
Set up a time to chat on Zoom or Skype
Month 2
As above – though this is now a Second Session demo
Set up a time to chat on Zoom or Skype
Month 3
Full session – no notes
Refine process
And focus in on any Advanced Modules of your choice
Set up a time to chat on Zoom or Skype
Month 4
Clean – up where required
Focus on Advanced Programs of your choice
Marketing your practice
$ 195 per month – Four or Three Month program
No Payment to Register
Certification PLUS is the move to the Inner Circle of the SP world. Access to all the resources we have available and become part of the Master Mind for SP – that leads SP into the future – and you to be the Ultimate Connected SP Practitioner
By Invitation only
Currently – NO Spaces available
Link to all details for Certified PLUS-LINK