
The Simpson Protocol Process -Why its so powerful

Simpson Protocol Hypnosis as a system could almost be considered an ‘open source’ system that allows for so much experimentation and expansion – without this changing its core values of being Holistic, Inclusive  and non-judgmental

But perhaps most of all the reason Simpson Protocol Hypnosis is so successful and complete as a system is because of all the things it brings together from the world of Modern Hypnosis.

To begin with, it combines the best aspects of the practices of Dave Elman and Milton Erickson

(Note you don’t need to be a genius like Erickson or a Showman like Elman to make it work – another bonus)

Milton Erickson

“Just as it’s possible to talk about hypnosis before and after James Braid, so it’s possible to talk about hypnosis before and after Erickson. His influence is enormous. In a very real sense, he remade hypnosis in his own image.”


Erickson   believed in allowing the client maximum freedom to interpret what is being said in their own way – for example, “you may begin to find new ways of feeling at ease at parties”, instead of “you are now more confident in talking to complete strangers at parties.” 

Simpson Protocol, in the same way, offers no judgment – The Client’s own Mind does the work.

In Simpson Protocol language is of vital importance – open language – no leading. Allow the Client’s Mind to find the optimum way for that client to resolve the issue

Erickson went to great lengths to see the world from the client’s point of view, helping them reach their own goals and solutions, rather than imposing his own idea of happiness on them.

Simpson Protocol (SP) removes Judgement and guesswork from Hypnosis. We take away the ‘labels’ of what the Client might have been told his or her issue is – so as to allow open and infinite possibilities for healing and change

All reality is the Client’s reality

The whole process from the Induction to the outcome is to empower the client and allow them to finally take charge of their own processes.

In fact, Simpson Protocol goes one step further – as the Hypnotists does not even need to know the issue they are working on. The Client’s ‘Higher’ Mind always knows and if allowed will work through the issues or issues to get the Optimum outcome.

This takes pressure off the hypnotist and client- and they can just allow the process work


Dave Elman

An important figure in the development of practical hypnosis is Dave Elman (1900-1967), a vaudeville performer from North Dakota, often billed as “The World’s Youngest and Fastest Hypnotist”. Elman, who’d been fascinated by hypnosis since a very early age, adapted the rapid induction techniques used by stage hypnotists for therapeutic purposes, teaching them to doctors and physicians and eventually publishing a book, Hypnotherapy (1964), which is regarded as a classic in the field.


The Elman induction achieves trance in minutes, sometimes seconds, freeing up the hypnotist to concentrate on therapeutic work. It also represents a move away from the more directive, “you are feeling sleepy” style of hypnosis, where subjects were basically told to go into trance by the authoritarian figure of the hypnotist.

Simpson Protocol allows the Hypnotist to step back and merely be a guide for the Client. Authoritarian Hypnotists need not apply.

Simpson Protocol is simple fast and is non directive.

Simpson Protocol uses the Elman induction – revised and updated – to allow the Client to find deep states of Hypnosis that work best for them for that session and that day. It also allows the Hypnotist to know exactly at what state or level the client has reached

The Elman Induction (if done correctly) is one of the few Inductions ever devised to have covert testing throughout so the Hypnotist  without any overt testing knows where the client is in the process.

To know ‘where’ the Client is in the process allows the SP (Simpson Protocol) Practitioner to allow the client to attain Deep States of Hypnosis simply and quickly. That’s a main reason SP finds the Elman Induction so valuable.

As we progress and advance we find that the process of Induction with a client becomes shorter and shorter – to the extent that we can sometimes tell the Client to close their eyes, take a dep breath to relax and say “now let us begin”


No Induction needed

As valuable as the Elman induction is – with SP after the first session with a client no further inductions are needed, as we give them triggers in the first session that they can use for their own  SP Self Hypnosis, anytime, and we the therapist can use anytime they visit us for further sessions


James Esdaile

Of course also Elman was one of the first to have the Client attain the Esdaile state – on purpose ( James Esdaile another Hypnosis pioneer)

SP was the first protocol to allow interaction at the Esdaile level – which had previously not thought to be possible.

This Level, named after James Esdaile, was used by James Esdaile in place of anesthetic ( not at then readily available) It was a long process taking upwards of 10 days!!.

Elman got it down to a few minutes. And SP the same – and  we  can use it on purpose in Pre and Post Op situations, Birthing etc.

In SP the Esdaile State is not a mystery or an incommunicado state. The Client if they so choose can do a whole session in Esdaile and be able to communicate with the Hypnotists and vice versa




Jerry Kein

Jerry Kein ( Ines Simpson’s  Mentor) took Elman’s training and Regression to Cause methods , improved and refined  and expanded it – and was able to teach Students  attain Esdaile and Sichort states

Jerry Kein always encouraged his students to spend 10% of their time experimenting – to move Hypnosis constantly into new territory.

Ines Simpson took this to heart – and through experimentation and necessity of working in all aspects of a Client’s issues – SP was gradually developed.

SP practitioners are encouraged to always experiment which is why SP is always in ‘development’. Always moving forward. The Ultimate open source system of Hypnosis.

Because of this constant input from working with Client’s and practitioner of all levels experimenting – it allows SP – to develop but to also simplify itself. To get maximum outcome from Optimum effort.


Fritz Perls

SP includes, Regression, Chair Therapy ( as Jerry Kein used- though in SP it is much simplified and refined process) Forgiveness work and much more, and even takes a form of Gestalt therapy that was created by Fritz Perls.

Again this is effectively simplified in SP and refined to always get the maximum outcome for the Client from Optimum Effort

Side note: Fritz Perls in  1969  left Esalen and started a Gestalt community at Lake Cowichan on Vancouver Island, Canada. – just down the road from where Ines Simpson would eventually set up her practice on Vancouver Island