
 LIVE REAL – TIME Online Training for Simpson Protocol- 

The Same syllabus as the 4 day LIVE training – see those details here – Live 4 day syllabus

For Other Language SP Trainings

check with the trainers on this page – CLICK HERE



Typically  -the trainings are broken up over 5 or 6 sessions, each session is a 4 – 4 1/2 hour training – with breaks of course   over 2 weekends  Friday thru Sunday ( Sat & Sunday for smaller class size)

As we said above , this is done Live over the internet – in real-time – practice demos everything- just as in actual feet on the ground class.

And you have the benefit of doing it from the comfort of your own home – comfy chairs – feel free to raid your kitchen in the breaks – and slippers are of course – optional

And  by the mere fact of learning together in a group LIVE online – you learn how to do online sessions with clients.

   You will find online is a very simple process and yet I have found over the last 2 years – typically I get better outcomes online than in my chair Live.

   The Same syllabus as the 4 day LIVE training – see those details here – Live Online syllabus   plus how to do it all online  or offline


Below are current



For Next Training

Tim Horn


Details :  https://hypnoconsult.com/training/

Contact Tim Horn at timhornphd1@aol.com 

Greg Beckett 

Based in L.A

Details Here  https://www.hypnosisla.com/training

Contact Greg Beckett  greg@hypnosisla.com


For Spanish

Contact Claudia  Dagnino:  contact@claudiadagnino.com



contact hello@honeylansdowne.co.uk or text 07530 890089


New Zealand Info 

Contact  email    :   info@hypnosisnewzealand.co.nz

Live In person 4 day training and Live Online



For Other Language Trainings DETAILS HERE

Comments from Live SP online Training

Hello Ines,

I couldn’t let this day pass without reaching out and thanking you, and Claudia for offering one of the most wonderful and inspirational experiences I’ve ever had the privilege to be involved in.

Learning hypnosis was the last thing on my bucket list – and I hit the jackpot –  your course is the best present I could have ever given myself.
And I will use it in a practical way because due to my background in holistic therapies, I’ve always been the one  to go to  when family and friends want healing – and this is so much better, bigger and easier than anything I know.
You are all truly amazing –  you put so much into your course and it is so appreciated. Thank you!!!
Warm regards

I had previously trained in person twice before with Ines Simpson, so I have had a view from both sides of the fence, so to speak.

I have come to the conclusion that the online training was as effective, if not more so than the ones I’d attended with Ines in person. It felt just as personal and friendly, and yet clearer and more concise.

The training was conducted over Zoom – a secure platform – and meant that we had full vision of others and of demos. A wonderful bonus of using Zoom was that it meant that we were free to record anything and therefore able to go back and review the sessions – something we were unable to do in a live training.

During the demonstrations, and because the camera was entirely on Ines and the trainee, our attentions seemed more focused, and anything that we specifically needed to bring our attentions to, was unobscured from vision. I felt that the training was directed more precisely with little room for misunderstanding.

‘Training Rooms’ were used for each of the groups, where we could practice with our peers which was wonderful – free from the distractions of a normal group dynamic. It again allowed for full attention and focus on our ‘client’.

It also brought us more into rapport as a group, having more intimate sessions with other training participants. And because we were in the comfort of our own homes, trust and confidence was established from the beginning.

I loved the fact that I was training with others from all over the world, in my own space with access to all of my own resources, and meanwhile spending the whole time comfortably in my ugg boots!

Angela Freychet, Perth Australia

Cert Hypnotist NGH of America

Certified SP Practitioner


Wow, the Simpson Protocol is a game changer! I’ve just completed my first SP session with a paying client, 3 days after finishing the Live Online training. The session was transformative and the client was blown away. And best of all, I finished the session feeling envigorated instead of depleted. To be honest, I had been feeling jaded about my hypnotherapy practice prior to learning SP. With each new client I felt like I had to re-invent the wheel, and I worried about choosing the optimal combination of tools for the client, ultimately taking too much responsibility for the client’s results. Now, as well as having the perfect system for helping clients, no matter the issue, I’ve fallen in love with this work again. I’m so excited to share this with everyone, and my confidence is through the roof.

The training itself was fantastic, and worked perfectly in the online environment. I loved receiving healing during the practice sessions, and I’ve built so much trust in myself and the Universe over this time. As someone from a scientific, analytical background, the session on surrogates was particularly eye opening.
I highly recommend training in the Simpson Protocol to anyone who wants to grow an effective, energising hypnotherapy practice, make an impact in the world, and accelerate their own healing and the healing of others.

Vicky Santiago


Ines Simpson zoomed us into the future of online training with good technical support and connection – it felt like we were all in the lecture room together. Thoroughly recommend any training with this lady. A very happy participant ‘.

CT Hypnotherapist, Christiane Taylor, Geraldton WA



I have just completed the Simpson Protocol Online training program and it was an amazing experience. Ines is a patient instructor who takes the time her students need to understand the material. I really love this holistic program that can help my clients in new and wonderful ways. This is a game-changer for hypnosis and I’m looking forward to taking my hypnosis practice to the next level. If I were giving it a rating on a scale of 1 to 10, my rating would be 11. Thank you Ines!

Julia Wooster

Certified Consulting Hypnotist



I got to know about Ines’ training through one of her students from whom I heard great things. I decided to reach out to her and shortly after I had the opportunity to meet with her through Zoom to go over some general information. Since the first moment, I felt very connected to Ines. She is very kind and spontaneous and gave me the same comfortable feeling I experienced while being a student in her Live Online training (THE SIMPSON PROTOCOL- Essentials and Advanced). While teaching you, Ines is also supporting your learning experience by sharing her expertise at the same time that she is motivating you to trust yourself.

Prior to starting the Live Online Training I received online material to review (written and videos), as well as during the entire course. The learning experience was very well supported with plenty of resources. Ines, had all the patience in the world to address the questions that students would bring up during or after class.

The interactions with Ines, as well as with other students was very natural, spontaneous and friendly….despite the physical distance I felt very connected to everyone. This pleasant sensation was enhanced by the multiple opportunities to mix&mingle, as we were rotating in small groups to put into practice right away what we had learned that given day. Additionally, our practice was recorded so we had the possibility to review not only Ines’ inputs, but also the group discussions.

The Simpson Protocol Live Online training exceeded my expectations, and I would certainly recommend it to anyone who is considering registering for it.

Claudia Dagnino, MA, RCC, RRT, RYT200



I was one of the fortunate participants of the first-ever Simpson’s Protocol LIVE Online Class and it was incredible. It helped to see how we can adapt it to be used online with our clients and still bring the same awesome results. Having learnt it previously in 2013, I felt it was in some ways better than full, 2 or 4 days of it where I would feel overwhelmed with information overload. The online course was staggered over some days which gave us all opportunity to practice with each other on our own as well. For me, it gave me the added confidence I needed to serve clients online. As always Innes is an amazingly patient teacher, making sure we totally understand and are comfortable before moving on. Thank you so much, Ines.


Nisreen Mama Foda

When told about SP, I quickly suggested Ines must simply be invited to come to London Ontario and teach it. She accepted and then Covid19 happened and the training transitioned to online. I was skeptical about learning hypnosis online, not understanding how exactly this could work. Much to my surprise and delight, I found the online format to work very well in the way that Ines presented it, specifically with explanations, demonstrations, and then breakout sessions for practicing and opportunity afterwards for discussion. I’m blown away by the power of SP and eager to use it with clients. I’m also very appreciative of Ines’ generosity of resources and personal attention.

Thank you Ines

Tamelynda Lux, StepStone Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, London, Ontario, Canada Online class of April 2020


I was a little afraid, at the beginning, of the on line live class for different reasons: first english is not my first language and second I am not really a computer expert… still I registered and had a wonderful learning experience. SP is a very interesting technique that we had the chance to practice easily via zoom with people from different parts of the world. I learned a new techique and now I feel more at ease with long distance work.

Thank you Martin for the technical support, thank you Ines for the teaching and the practice support. Thank you all for the rich exchanges!

Annamaria (Switzerland)


Thank you, Ines. In this unfamiliar time of self-isolation, with the passion that you have for your purpose, you guided a class of  strangers to connect over practice, as though we were all in the same room. Thank you for your guidance and your patience. I am very much looking forward to sharing this gift with others. ~Nicole Bourgeois