Welcome to the SP Smoking Cessation Program
Combine the Power of SP with the extras here to allow your Client to not only be smoke free, but be as if they were never a smoker- so that being with friends who still smoke has no effect anymore
This stand alone program requires a fluid understanding of the basic SP process
And we would encourage you to add in the Pro-Heath program as a session or part of a session to fully round out the Hypnosis – and also to remove any ‘anti-health programming that the client will have received as a smoker
email me for questions: ines@inessimpson.com
Hi Ines,
I would like to know how much it costs to get the smoking cessation and the weight loss programmes.
I just did the SP Nz course with you and I just wanted to also thank you and Martin and for the fantastic course and for the fabulous time I had.
Warmest Regards
Hi Persis
A little late, sorry – but the cost is $49.00 USD